The Emblem of Vermont

I can find no evidence for this. In fact, I can't find any evidence for Vermont, or any other state, having a specific emblem.

The sugar maple is the state tree of Vermont, but it's also the state tree of New York, West Virginia and Wisconsin. As every quizzer knows, US states have a bewildering number of state symbols; Vermont, for example, has 29 – ranging from the state amphibian (the northern leopard frog) to the state winter sports (skiing and snowboarding), via the state heritage breed of livestock (Randall lineback breed of cattle) and the state pie (apple pie).

Vermont does have a tree on its coat of arms, but this is a pine tree – and a maple tree is not a pine.

The closest I can get to the sugar maple being the 'emblem' of Vermont is the fact that the state has two maple trees (not specifically sugar maples, as far as I can tell) on its 'state quarter'. The fifty state quarters made up a series of circulating commemorative coins, issued by the US Mint from 1999 to 2008.

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